Career Kick Start Books, LLC

New Release

Learning Express.JS

A New Learning Guide by Lyron Foster

Whether you’re a beginner or intermediate developer, this book will take you through the fundamentals of Express.js, including routing, middleware, templating engines, and working with databases. With practical examples and exercises, you’ll learn how to build a complete web application from scratch, as well as how to test, deploy, and scale your application for real-world use.

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We publish affordable books that provide practical guidance and instruction, enabling readers to develop the skills they need to excel in various areas of technology. Our mission is to empower individuals to achieve their goals by providing accessible and high-quality resources for learning technology
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Ansible for DevOps

The book covers essential topics such as Ansible Playbooks, Modules, and Roles, as well as Ansible Inventory and Configuration Management. It also explores Ansible’s capabilities in Cloud Infrastructure, Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD), and advanced concepts such as Ansible Tower and Galaxy.

Featured Book Review

"a good way to introduce children to the world of cybersecurity"

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Featured Author

Lyron Foster

Meet Lyron Foster, a highly experienced technologist and polyglot programmer with over 20 years of expertise in the industry. He has a passion for teaching and sharing his knowledge, which has led them to become an accomplished author of technical books. His publications are highly regarded for their clear and concise explanations of complex technical concepts, making them accessible to readers of all levels. With their years of experience and dedication to helping others learn, Lyron is a valuable asset to our publishing company and the tech community at large

Featured Books by Lyron Foster


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